How to Become a Professional Engineer in Malaysia?

An engineering graduate who wishes to work as an engineer must be registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) as a Graduate Engineer. The experience of an engineering graduate is only recognised by BEM after he has been registered as a Graduate Engineer. It is critical that all engineering graduates register with the BEM as soon as possible after receiving their bachelor's degrees.

Before applying for registration as a Professional Engineer, a Graduate Engineer must have at least three years of practical experience in the field of engineering. The Professional Assessment Examination (PAE), which was previously owned by BEM and is now administered by IEM on its behalf, may be applied for after you have satisfied all of the preceding requirements. You will become a Professional Engineer if you pass the Professional Assessment Examination and other membership requirements.

International Recognition through Washington Accord

Engineering degree programmes at UTAR are professionally accredited by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and are thus internationally recognised under the Washington Accord. Under the Washington Accord, UTAR engineering qualifications can be accredited or recognised as substantially equivalent to accredited or recognised academic qualifications in the other 20 signatory countries, as well as accepted for career opportunities leading to Professional/Chartered Engineer status in these countries.

How to Become a Professional Engineer in Malaysia

NOTE: Please keep in mind that this is merely a suggested path for your reference. The professional organisation may, at any time, amend the examination and membership requirements as judged necessary. As a result, it's necessary to double-check the present path with UTAR officials or the professional body before enrolling.